Mate20 系列不再公布 DXO 分数的背后的商业思考是什么?

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Mate20 系列不再公布 DXO 分数的背后的商业思考是什么?

#Mate20 系列不再公布 DXO 分数的背后的商业思考是什么?| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Mate 20 Pro的DxOMark成绩刚刚公布~

这一定程度上验证了Mate 20系列之前没有打磨好的猜测。Mate 20系列是建立在P20系列站稳DxOMark基础上的进一步升级,它已经不需要凭借DxOMark证明自己的实力。从加入超广角就可以看出华为已经将纯分数目标转向了丰富拍摄场景、满足更多需求、提升摄影体验。这是华为的一次自我突破,不仅是以ISP和算法为代表的技术进步,更是以超广角、视频留色为代表的思维转变。值得庆幸的是,华为没有在手机摄影道路上就此停歇,相反它依旧大踏步向前迈进,这次的分数恰恰是最好的例证。

再回到DxOMark,Mate 20 Pro的综合得分为109,与P20 Pro相同,并列排行榜第一。

拍照方面,相比P20 Pro,曝光、色彩、对焦、纹理有不同程度的进步,噪点、闪光灯维持同一水平,变焦稍有退步(后续会解释),散景退步较大。

录像方面,相比P20 Pro,曝光、色彩、伪像有不同程度的进步,对焦、纹理维持同一水平,噪点、防抖有退步。


在开头段有以下这段话,DxOMark采用了和其他手机一样的评测标准,没有评测超广角的表现。因此,超广角没有影响Mate 20 Pro的得分。换句话说,超广角并没有参与评分,Mate 20 Pro只用了双摄(广角 + 长焦)参与此次的评测。

This said, as with other smartphones with a similar setup, we did not test the Mate 20 Pro’s super-wide-angle module, so it does not have an impact on its DxOMark scores.

尽管是双摄参与评测,但DxOMark对Mate 20 Pro的评价仍然相当高。

Achieving an overall DxOMark Mobile score of 109 points, the Huawei Mate 20 Pro shares the number one spot in our DxOMark Mobile ranking with its cousin, the P20 Pro. Like the latter, it delivers an outstanding still image performance, resulting in a Photo score of 114 points. At 97 points, the Mate 20 Pro’s video score is just one point lower than the P20 Pro’s, meaning that the latest Huawei flagship can provide top-quality photo and video results in almost any shooting situation.The camera captures good detail, and nicely renders such fine textures as the grass in this image without any over-sharpening.

众所周知,华为的彩色黑白融合方案是通过取消了拜耳彩色滤镜的黑白摄像头增强相机成像表现(噪点、亮度、色彩、解析力)。但由于麒麟980新ISP算力的进步、算法的改善和相当强大的IMX600,Mate 20 Pro取消了黑白摄像头,加入了超广角摄像头。


在日间户外场景中,Mate 20 Pro表现还算不错。锐化程度降低,虽然看起来没那么清晰,但更加自然。

In terms of image detail, the new device performs on a very similar level as the P20 Pro, but applies less sharpening, making images look a little less crisp but more natural when viewed at 100%.outdoor detail

在20勒克斯弱光场景中,也比iPhone XS和P20 Pro稍好。

As you can see in the crops below of our lab chart, fine textures in the subject's skin and hat are slightly better preserved in the Mate 20 Pro image than in either the P20 Pro or the iPhone image.detail in low light

在5勒克斯极弱光环境,和P20 Pro差不多,明显比iPhone XS清晰。

In the image of our studio chart captured at very low light (5 lux), the Huawei models are very close, and both capture a noticeably cleaner image than the iPhone XS.detail in lower light

当然,虽然广角端表现和P20 Pro一致,但取消黑白摄像头对变焦成像是有一定影响的。

In the comparisons below, you can see that at both short- and medium-range zoom, the Mate 20 Pro is noticeably better than the iPhone XS, but in terms of image detail, it is not quite on the same level as its Huawei stable-mate, the P20 Pro—likely due to the fact that the company replaced the P20 Pro's high-resolution monochrome image sensor with a super-wide-angle variant on the newer model.

比如这张,Mate 20 Pro明显不如P20 Pro的清晰,但噪点更少且优于iPhone XS。

short-range zoom


medium-range zoom


Given the continuous flow of new photography features in smartphones (beautification, night mode, wide angle, etc.), we will continue incorporating new consumer experiences into our testing protocol.Super Wide Angle

综上,Mate 20 Pro是华为在P20 Pro基础上的一次常规升级,增强的ISP和改善的算法修补了过度锐化等问题。超广角端的加入是华为一次大胆的突破,进一步奠定了华为在手机摄影领域的霸主地位。尽管当下对DxOMark评分没有多大帮助,但无疑是有引领性的。





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